Non-Surgical Treatment For Wrinkles

Non-surgical treatment for wrinkles are performed by our experienced Medical Team overseen by renowned Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, MD FRACS.

About Non-surgical Treatment For Wrinkles

At Unveil, our philosophy is centred on the enhancement of your natural features, and we strive to produce results that are both subtle and impactful. Our injections serve as a potent tool in our arsenal to mitigate and deter the appearance of wrinkles, which are often caused by the natural ageing process, sun exposure, dehydration, and genetics. The outcome? A more youthful, rejuvenated


At Unveil, our expert medical practitioners provide in-depth consultations that involve a comprehensive skin analysis. We place great emphasis on understanding your unique skin concerns and goals during these consultations. With our expertise, we educate you on the most suitable treatment plan devised to meet your specific needs and desired outcomes.

Understanding the function of the skin is a pivotal part of achieving these results, and we strive to ensure you are well-informed about the intricate workings of the skin and how we can collectively work towards achieving your goals. Our tailored approach often includes a blend of treatments and skincare, customised to your individual needs and preferences.
New patients to Unveil must have a consultation prior to treatment.

The medical practitioner who will perform the cosmetic procedure or prescribe the cosmetic injectables requires the patient to complete a body dysmorphic disorder questionnaire during consultation, dependant on results may make them an unsuitable candidate for the procedure.
The medical practitioner who will perform the cosmetic procedure or prescribe the cosmetic injectable will discuss other options with the patient, including cosmetic procedures or treatments offered by other health practitioners and the option of not having the procedure.
The medical practitioner must decline to perform cosmetic injectable treatment if they believe that it is not in the best interests of the patient.

Disclaimer: As per government regulations, all new patients to Unveil must undergo a consultation prior to any treatment. Please refer to our disclaimer for more details.

How do non-surgical treatment for wrinkles work?
Our injections are administered through tiny injections into targeted muscles, the procedure induces a state of relaxation, thereby blocking signals from nerves and preventing the skin from contracting. These injections block the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter responsible for triggering muscle contractions. By inhibiting these contractions, the skin above the muscles remains smooth and unwrinkled, reducing the appearance of existing lines and preventing the formation of new ones. Over time, the effect of the injection decreases as the body naturally breaks down the toxin, allowing the muscles to slowly regain their ability to contract, which makes periodic re-treatments necessary to maintain the results.

Popular areas treated are:

  • Forehead Lines
  • Crow’s Feet
  • Frown Lines
  • Masseters (jaw muscles)
  • Nefertiti Neck lift 
  • Lines on top and sides of the nasal bridge 
  • Top Lip
  • Chin
  • Nasolabial Folds (from the edges of the nose to the outer corner of the mouth) 
  • Marionette Lines (from the corner of the mouth down to the jaw) 
  • Migraines
  • Gummy Smile

Sensation Experienced During Non-Surgical Treatment For Wrinkles

Having a clear expectation of what the injection process feels like can be reassuring. There may be some initial discomfort upon the administration of the injection. This is often described as a sharp, brief sting at the injection site. The sensation is usually minor and quickly subsides. At Unveil, we take every measure to enhance your comfort during the procedure, ensuring that the entire process, from start to finish, is as pleasant and stress-free as possible.

Downtime and Aftercare 

Taking care of your skin and following certain guidelines after receiving injections is crucial to ensure optimal results and avoid any unwanted side effects. During your consultation at Unveil, our team of expert practitioners will guide you through a comprehensive set of aftercare instructions, providing you with a reference sheet to ensure you can refer back to this guidance even after your visit.

Post-treatment, you might experience a few temporary effects such as localised pain at the site of injection, skin reddening and discolouration, adjacent muscle compensation, minor bruising, and swelling. These symptoms usually subside naturally with time.

In order to expedite the healing process and maintain the results of your treatment, it is vital to:

  • Refrain from massaging the treated area
  • Avoid blood-thinning and anti-inflammatory medications
  • Abstain from physical activity, alcohol, and caffeine for 24 hours post-treatment
  • Avoid exposure to extreme heat for two weeks
  • Abstain from skincare treatments such as laser therapy, IPL, microdermabrasion, chemical peels, facials, and facial waxing for 2 weeks after treatment
  • Avoid lying down for four hours post-treatment

Number of Treatments and Timeline for Results

Typically, the effects of our anti-wrinkle injections are administered to last between 3 to 4 months. However, this duration can vary depending on individual factors such as the client’s unique physiological response, lifestyle habits, skincare routines, and the specific area that is being treated. It’s key to remember that maintaining good skincare practices can indeed prolong the benefits of the treatment.

At Unveil, we prioritise comprehensive aftercare and follow-ups. Therefore, we always schedule a follow-up appointment two weeks after the administration of the injections. During this appointment, we’ll capture more pictures to document and review your progress, and to discuss the results achieved so far. This structured process enables us to monitor your journey closely, ensuring that we are always working towards meeting your skincare goals.


Consultation with Registered Nurse $50, redeemable off treatment.

Consultation with Dr Teixeira $150.

Non-surgical treatment for wrinklesFrom $12.95 per Unit
Forehead LinesFrom $149
Inbetween EyesFrom $220
Lip FlipFrom $99


Price On Appointment.

Prices may vary and your medical practitioner will discuss pricing upon consultation

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