Bio Remodelling

Bio Remodelling, performed by our experienced Medical Team overseen by renowned Specialist Plastic Surgeon, Dr Rodrigo Teixeira, MD FRACS.

About Bio-Remodelling

At Unveil, we are proud to offer bio-remodelling – a TGA approved and pioneering method to combat ageing. This cutting-edge treatment is highly effective in addressing skin laxity in hard-to-treat regions such as the face, neck, hands, and arms. The procedure utilises high spreadability and tissue volumisation techniques to rejuvenate and elevate the tissue, resulting in fewer wrinkles, improved texture, intense hydration, and increased firmness. As we age, our natural moisture factor in declines, leading to a natural reduction in skin firmness and elasticity that typically begins in our 30s. Bio-remodelling is an ideal treatment for anyone seeking to reverse these effects and restore their skin’s youthful look and feel.

Like all treatments at Unveil, a consultation is required prior to any bio remodelling procedure.


At Unveil, our expert medical practitioners provide in-depth consultations that involve a comprehensive skin analysis. We place great emphasis on understanding your unique skin concerns and goals during these consultations. With our expertise, we educate you on the most suitable treatment plan devised to meet your specific needs and desired outcomes. Understanding the function of the skin is a pivotal part of achieving these results, and we strive to ensure you are well-informed about the intricate workings of the skin and how we can collectively work towards achieving your goals. Our tailored approach often includes a blend of treatments and skincare, customised to your individual needs and preferences.

New patients to Unveil must have a consultation prior to treatment.

The medical practitioner who will perform the cosmetic procedure or prescribe the cosmetic injectables requires the patient to complete a body dysmorphic disorder questionnaire during consultation, dependant on results may make them an unsuitable candidate for the procedure.
The medical practitioner who will perform the cosmetic procedure or prescribe the cosmetic injectable will discuss other options with the patient, including cosmetic procedures or treatments offered by other health practitioners and the option of not having the procedure.
The medical practitioner must decline to perform cosmetic injectable treatment if they believe that it is not in the best interests of the patient.

The medical practitioner must decline to perform cosmetic injectable treatment if they believe that it is not in the best interests of the patient. 

How Do Bio-Remodelling Work? 

Bio-remodelling is a unique skin rejuvenation treatment that involves the use of very fine needles to inject a specially formulated product just beneath the skin’s surface at specific points. This targeted approach ensures the product effectively reaches the areas that need it the most. Notably, the procedure is virtually painless, often making the use of topical anaesthetics unnecessary. The treatment typically takes around 10 minutes, minimising the disruption to your day. For facial bio-remodelling, a total of ten injection points (five on each side of the face) are usually sufficient to achieve optimal results. This innovative technique allows us to effectively combat signs of ageing, enhancing your skin’s natural firmness and elasticity, and providing you with a youthful, rejuvenated appearance.

Disclaimer: As per government regulations, all new patients to Unveil must undergo a consultation prior to any treatment. Please refer to our disclaimer for more details.

Areas Treated by Bio-Remodelling

Bio-remodelling at Unveil is versatile and not limited to specific parts of the body.  The most common area treated is the face. However, it is also highly effective in addressing skin laxity and loss of volume in other areas such as the neck, hands, and arms.

What is the difference between Bio-Remodelling and Fillers?

Fillers and Bio-Remodelling both serve significant roles in aesthetic medicine, but they differ in their purposes and outcomes. Dermal fillers are used predominantly for augmenting facial features and restoring lost volume in specific areas of the face, such as the cheeks and jawline. They are effective in filling in wrinkles, augmenting facial contours, and improving the appearance of scars and folds.

However, Bio-Remodelling, on the other hand, does not function to augment facial features or restore lost volume. Its primary focus is on improving skin elasticity, hydration, and overall quality, leading to a rejuvenated and youthful appearance. It stimulates the skin to produce more elastin and collagen proteins, leading to improved skin tone and texture. However, it is important to note that Bio-Remodelling is unable to address collagen loss in areas like the cheek or tear trough, as this is a specific area where dermal fillers excel. Thus, while both treatments aim to enhance your appearance, they do so in different ways and can even be used in conjunction to achieve comprehensive and effective results.

Sensation Experienced During Dermal Filler Treatment

The treatment involves injecting a bio-stimulating solution just under the skin, using a very fine needle, which minimises discomfort. The treatment is also quite swift, contributing to a comfortable, efficient, and highly tolerable patient experience. However, it’s important to note that individual experiences may vary. If you have any concerns about discomfort, our healthcare professionals at Unveil are always on hand to address your questions and provide additional reassurances.

Number of Treatments and Timeline for Results

Patients undergo two treatment sessions spaced one month apart, although some cases may necessitate up to three sessions with monthly intervals for optimal results. The rejuvenating effects of Bio-Remodelling are long-lasting, often persisting for approximately six months. To maintain these results, it’s typically recommended that patients undergo this treatment cycle twice per year.

Over the course of 3-4 weeks, Bio-Remodelling triggers the production of elastin, a crucial protein that restructures skin tissue, resulting in a plumper, tighter appearance that radiates a natural glow. This treatment can be administered independently or in conjunction with other dermal fillers to specifically address volume loss, hydrate the skin, and enhance its tightness.
In certain cases, our experienced nurses may recommend Bio-Remodelling as an alternative to dermal fillers. By integrating this innovative procedure into your regular skincare routine, you can achieve an even more pronounced transformation of your skin’s appearance. At Unveil, our aim is to empower our patients, helping them to feel confident and at their absolute best.

Downtime and Aftercare 

There is minimal downtime associated with Bio-Remodelling treatment; however, a few simple precautions can enhance the efficacy of the procedure and reduce potential side effects. Before the treatment, it’s advisable to avoid alcohol, aspirin, or anti-inflammatory medication for 24 hours. Side effects, although rare, are generally mild, including small bumps, redness, bruising, mild tenderness, or discoloration, which usually resolve within a few days.
Immediate post-treatment care includes avoiding make-up, strenuous physical activities, swimming, and exposure to extreme heat such as saunas and steam rooms for 24 hours. While the treatment product is injected in small ‘deposits’ that may be visible initially, they typically settle within hours. It might be possible to feel the product under the skin, but it settles naturally without the need for massaging.

For the next 48 hours, alcohol, vigorous exercise, and sunbathing should be avoided. Extremes of heat or cold should be avoided for 14 days post-treatment. If any bruising occurs, it may take a few days to appear; applying arnica can be helpful in clearing the bruising. It is advisable to avoid aspirin and alcohol for 12-48 hours after treatment.

For at least one week post-treatment, direct exposure to ultraviolet light, including sun and solariums, should be avoided. Any further clinical treatments such as microdermabrasion, laser, intense pulsed light, chemical peels, muscle relaxant injections, and dermal fillers should also be deferred.
If you’re unsure about any aspect of your post-treatment care or if you have specific concerns, please consult your healthcare professional or reach out to us at Unveil. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities.


Consultation with Registered Nurse $50, redeemable off treatment.

Consultation with Dr Teixeira $150.

Starter Pack:
2 x Bio-Remodelling Treatments
1 x Multi-action Antioxidant Cream.
Introductory offer: $1800
Normally $2000
Maintenance Pack:
4 x Bio-Remodelling Treatments
2 x Multi-action Antioxidant Cream.
(provided on appointment 1 and 3)

$250 Unveil Aesthetic Voucher*
*Terms and Conditions apply

Saving $850
Price on Consultation

Prices may vary and your medical practitioner will discuss pricing upon consultation

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